Towards the night

Towards the night

Nov. 2023

In development Les films du Djabadjah

Experimental feature film

Shot in Kigali

The film begins at dusk.

From behind, a young man stops a motorbike taxi, climbs into the back after putting on the red helmet and drives off into the heights of the city at sunset.
He gets off at the side of a road, wanders into a field, opens an earthen building and mysteriously disappears.
The night is pitch black. A biker in a leather jacket, cap, helmet and gloves emerges from the mud hut, climbs the slope surrounded by banana trees and descends towards the city with its illuminated hills.

A series of often poetic encounters, surprises and conversations between the biker and his passengers: students, prostitutes, civil servants, the poor, the middle classes, artists, mothers, schoolchildren… of all ages and from a wide variety of social classes, creating a mosaic topography of the city’s inhabitants in its different districts.

Coproduced by Les films du Djabadjah (Burkina-Faso: Berni Goldblat and Faissol Gnolonfin), Karekezi Film Production (Rwanda: Joël Karekezi) and Gaijin (France: Valérie Massadian and Sophie Erbs).