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  • Journalism & publications

    Journalism & publications

    Press – Mentions in scientific publications – in commentaries

  • Visual arts

    Visual arts

    ✴︎ KINSHASA, CAPITAL OF THE WHOLE WORD (Video Installation) In Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo and home to 18 million people, certain neighbourhoods carry the world: People’s China, Tokyo, London, Brussels (Matonge) and Paris (Bandal). Two gangs clash: Arabs and Americans. As for the most feared police station, it’s nicknamed Sobibor. But there are only Congolese here. North 2023 Experimental Short Film…

  • Programming


    Tigritudes A chronogicalpanafrican film cycle The tiger doesn’t proclaim its tigritude, it pounces on its prey and devours it. Wole Soyinka, Nobel Prize in Literature Through 126 films, 40 countries and 66 years of cinema history, Tigritudes* 1956-2021 draws a subjective and chronological pan-African anthology. Conceived by directors Dyana Gaye and Valérie Osouf, in collaboration…

  • Biography


    After a stormy schooling, Valérie Osouf moved to Senegal for 9 years, where she made her debut film in 1996, No Comment, the country one never reaches, a 16mm celluloid documentary about people deported from France because of the Pasqua/Debré immigration laws.   In Dakar, after a spell at Philosophy college interrupted by a year-long strike,…